Spain office
Spain office
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+44 (0)20 3137 1320
Monday to Friday – 9.00 am – 5.00pm
+1 646 751 8496
Monday to Friday – 9.00 am – 5.00pm
gb abogados
17 May
man in office
Role of Administrator of a Spanish Company
Category: News
The role of administrator of an SL in Spain 1. What is an administrator of a company? The Law relating to companies in Spain dictates that every commercial company must have an ind...
01 May
European Commission logo
How to verify an EU VAT number
Category: Accountancy
When dealing with a company in an EU member state, it is important to ensure that you have the correct company details for inclusion on all invoices. This particularly relates to t...
01 May
Employment law in Spain
Category: Corporate Law
GB Abogados provide a range of employment law services to both companies and individuals. Our bi-lingual team of solicitors benefit from years of experience in employment law in Sp...
21 Mar
law court
The different courts in Spain
Category: Corporate Law
The Spanish legal system operates with a number of different courts. Each court has a distinct role and handles a specific type of legal case. Tribunal Supremo (Supreme Court) This...
21 Mar
Employing foreign workers in Spain
Category: Accountancy
In order to employ non-EU individuals in Spain, the employer must ensure that the worker is legally able to work in the country. What are the requirements? In order to be eligible ...